Ground Hog
This file allows you to print the design as seen in the pictures.
The scale is inititally set to 28mm scale so downscaling it to 76% will give 20mm and to 50% for 15mm gaming, you can go down to 25% for 10 and 6mm gaming, some inner walls go thin but are string enough to use, there is a full set of 6mm scaled files included.
the files will download as soon as the purchase is done, if you do find any issues please let me know these have beem test printed but i am here to help if anything is needed.
the files contain the full version and cut sections to fit 200 x200 beds
for those that want to cut to fit their bed sizes there is a guide on my site, it is very easy to do and is a useful thing to learn for the future
by agreeeing to buy this you are buying the file for your own personal use, selling the file is strictly not allowed, however a print licence is available on request, please do not abuse this or sooner or later these files wil not be available, its a small little hobby we have a share of so lets work together.